As the sun descends on a lovely fall day, I wanted to share with you two very important messages indicated by the graphics above. First of all, Happy Canadian Thanksgiving. This week-end the weather so far has been perfect to showcase Southern Ontario in all its radiant fall glory. Whatever you plan to do, enjoy the day. However, it doesn’t happen very often but this week-end not only marks Canadian Thanksgiving but the beginning of Sukkot as well, which is our Thanksgiving holiday, in many ways. We are lucky in some ways – our holiday lasts eight days. It begins soon, at sundown and continues until sundown next Monday, when we begin Simchat Torah.
I wanted to especially send a greeting today because I wanted to share with you the results of our Sukkah building today. It was pointed out in earlier messaging that our Sukkah built years ago into the corner of the Jewish Community Centre in the back had been ruined by a winter storm. The roof collapsed and pulled down some of the sides. To rebuild it would have cost a lot of money today, so we opted to buy a reusable portable structure. We had a grand time putting it up today. I am including the pictures reflecting the efforts of the Chesed committee to craft decorations and the team today that met to erect and decorate our new sukkah.
Please be reminded that eating and drinking in the sukkah is a mitzvah, like hearing the sound of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah or eating Matzah at the Pesach seder and you have two opportunities to share food in the sukkah this week. Join us this Thursday morning at services at 8:00 to shake the lulav and then eat in the sukkah and again on Shabbat after services.
Following are the pictures I wanted to share. The first set are the chesed committee making chains for hanging in the sukkah and the second set are the five of us – David Fruitman, Serge and Seth Chriqui, Naomi Levanoni and myself erecting and decorating.
Please come and enjoy with us this week and fulfill the mitzvah.
Ladies from CBI’s Chesed Group hard at work, preparing decorations for the Sukkah!
L-R: Arlene Goodman, Karen Caplan, Esther Barak-Rubin, Mira Piasecki, Schula Jennings, Jeri Dehghani and Soraya Azari
L-R: Mira Piasecki, Schula Jennings, Jeri Dehghani, Zoraya Azari, Pearl Katzman and Dolores Bonilla

Below – The Sukkah erection crew – Howard Slepkov, David Fruitman, Serge and Seth Chriqui & Naomi Levanoni
