Our Special Community

The Synagogue in history arose from the ashes of the destroyed Second Temple.  Wherever the Jewish people found themselves, they founded synagogues which were meant to be houses of prayer primarily but houses of study and houses of gathering as well.  It is that last component that the Jewish community of St. Catharines took and finessed to perfection.

At one time, we had Hadassah and a Sisterhood and both men’s and women’s B’nai Birth chapters. There were Boy Scouts, Cubs, Girl Guides and Brownies.  We had Young Judaea, United Synagogue Youth and even B’nai Brith Youth.  Our community centre was a hub of activity seven days a week.

Obviously over the years, we’ve aged and quieted down a lot but we still have lots going on to please all ages.  In these pages will take a look at the old days as well as the newer days and the future as well.


Jewish Welfare Fund Niagara

Yiddish Club

Judaica Gift Shop

Stitch And Bitch

Congregational Choir

Chesed Committee