In the event of need of our services or information, please contact Harvey Wright,
Chairman of the B’nai Israel Cemetery Committee at harveyw@sympatico.ca or 905-327-1174

The Cemetery Committee
The Cemetery Committee performs two main functions for B’nai Israel Synagogue.
Firstly, it administers and maintains the Cemetery and has been in existence since 1950.
Secondly, it provides Chevra Kadisha services to the deceased. This is provided by a cadre of volunteers, both men and women. We are very lucky to have these people in our community.
In the case of a death, a family member calls the cemetery chair who then initiates the activities necessary to prepare for a funeral. The chair meets with the family and the funeral director, when final decisions are made, particularly determining the time of the funeral.
Interfaith Burials
The Board of Governors of Congregation B’nai Israel, with the approval of Rabbi G. Romang, at its meeting of May 25, 2017, passed a resolution resulting in the following policy now in effect for B’nai Israel Cemetery regarding burial of interfaith couples.
- Interfaith couples may be buried side-by-side in our Cemetery in an area designated by an appropriate walkway.
- The Jewish spouse will receive our usual ritual services, including the services of our Rabbi who will officiate.
- The non-Jewish spouse will be buried next to his/her spouse, but will not receive ritual services except for a kosher casket. Only a Jewish layperson may officiate at this burial.
- A monument, either single or double stone, may be erected on these plots, on which only allowable symbols may be used.
- As is our practice, the wording on the monument must receive the advance approval of the Cemetery Committee.
Bereavement Authority of Ontario
The Bereavement Authority of Ontario’s Consumer Information Guide: A Guide to Death Care in Ontario can be found by clicking HERE .
Directory Of All Burials In Our B’nai Israel Cemetery
This link will take you to a file completed by our former member and chair of the Chevra Kaddisha and Cemetery Board, Josef Vomberg which needs to be badly updated but is, at least, a partial inventory of all the burials in our cemetery by alphebetical listing. Click HERE to access this file.
Database of all the Yahrzeit Plaques in the Synagogue
This link will take you to a database spreadsheet listing all the plaques displayed in the sanctuary on our six boards. We have six boards and the location of each plaque is indicated. Click HERE (Excel Master Spreadsheet Without Plaques) to access this file