Donations To CBI
Donations to CBI provide a convenient, meaningful and worthwhile manner in which to honour someone, offer condolences, offer a speedy recovery or mark a special occasion, etc.
Choose from the following available funds to be listed in your recognition:
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Library Fund
Chesed Fund
Kiddush Fund
Torah Fund
Security Fund
Simcha Lunch Fund
Tree Of Life Fund
Prayer Book Fund
Education Fund
General Fund Email or call 905.685.6767
CBI during office hours (or leave a voicemail)
Donations can be made with a credit card, cheque or cash
An appropriate acknowledgement will be sent to the
recipient you wish to acknowledge upon receipt of your donation.
Memorial (Yahrzeit) Plaques for the Memorial Boards located
in the Sanctuary are $200 each (partial tax receipt)

Tree Of Life plaques are available
Leaves are $180 each plus inscription fee
Tax receipts will be issued
Out of town donors may donate from our website:
Interact accepted (prefered)
as well as cheque, Visa & Master Card
Alternatively, one can go to as well.