As we make ready to celebrate our Centennial, it is only fitting that we acknowledge the contribution of the many volunteers over the year that have enabled us to get to this special moment in our history. Above the Aron HaKodesh in the sanctuary, written in Hebrew is the date and beside it in Hebrew BY THE LADIES’ AUXILIARY.

Like all organizations and institutions like ours, both men and women had their roles to play. The men for far too many years were the ones on the Synagogue executive and and later a Board of Governors. But the women were never to be outdone because they had a Sisterhood which took the place of the Ladies Auxiliary. In the two pictures below, from essentially the same period of time is a picture of each. In the picture of the men, Jacob Cooperman was being honoured with a lifetime membership in the congregation. In the picture below, the new Sisterhood executive was being installed.