# 26 – Hamantaschen Bake Off

No matter how big or small the number of children in the Hebrew School ever was, holidays on the Jewish Calendar were always an opportunity to program events for the children that would help expand their Jewish identity.  Whether it was to solidify what we as Jews do to celebrate our holidays or just provide an opportunity for the children to participate in programs that they could enjoy together, we used our resources to the best of our ability.  

At one time, Purim meant a party and lunch for families and costume contests.  Then there was a period in which the United Synagogue Youth group of teenagers organized a Purim carnival and had a fun time for themselves picking the games and building the stands for the kids to come to with their tickets.  They used to make a fair bit of money when we had all kinds of kids.  More recently, when we have had the opportunity, we have had the few kids we had in the Hebrew School gather to bake hamantaschen and Shlach Manot gift bags to have taken to those in the congregation who could not get out usually.  The kids had a grand time and the parents had their own fun organizing things in the kitchen and making ready for the children.  

Below are a few pictures of just such events.