# 23 – In Many Ways, Brownies and Guides Were Bigger

Looking back over the years, it becomes obvious that St. Catharines had a Jewish community just big enough to have lots of kids of both genders.  The writer knows that there were many communities that had either lots of boys or lots of girls and so that was always a problem.  But this community had more than enough of both. Growing up, we all felt that it was a small community, but looking back now through the lens of knowing of communities that have already died out, we had more of both than plenty of other locations.  When it came to our Brownies and Guides though, it always seemed that the girls were more involved.  Just as an aside, I wonder if had anything to do with the fact that in those bygone days, mothers didn’t work like they do today. So many of the leaders were stay-at-home moms and so they could do more to make the programming livelier and recruit more kids. They were often the ones who did the car-pooling too so they could stop mothers who they knew had kids of the right age but were not involved and give them the gears about getting their daughters involved in Scouting.  We are lucky enough to have a couple of the original leaders still alive and I am sure they would be glad to answer questions. In any case, here are a few pictures to enjoy of the girls and their involvement in scouting.